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Toddler Lunch Ideas

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Feeding a toddler can be quite the adventure. They’re exploring new tastes and textures and often have strong opinions about their food—and they’re not afraid to express those opinions! You’ve undoubtedly heard that serving your toddler plenty of different vegetables, textures, and foods is important, but sometimes it’s hard to come up with a lunch idea on the spot. Fear not—simply keep reading.

As moms, we want meals that are healthy, tasty, and safe. As a mom of four (with #5 on the way), I’ve had many years of experience feeding toddlers and definitely have a long list of favorite lunch options that hit all these marks. Minimizing choking hazards for our toddlers while exposing them to new flavors and textures is crucial, so each idea is designed with that in mind. Here are 20 easy, healthy, and safe toddler lunch ideas to keep your little one happy and well-fed.

PS—if you’re also looking for toddler breakfast ideas or toddler dinner ideas, be sure to check out the other articles I wrote on those topics.

Toddler Lunch IDeas

  1. Vegetable QUesadillas

Grill a tortilla in a pan or griddle with shredded cheese and vegetables. I like using corn and other soft-cooked vegetables such as tomatoes, zucchini, onions, and really anything else you have in your fridge. You can add cooked shredded chicken if you’d like, or mash black beans into a paste and add that in for extra protein. Once cooked, cut the quesadilla into thin pieces for those tiny fingers. I love making these on my electric griddle, one of the MVPs of my kitchen—the 21,000+ 5-star reviews on Amazon did not lead me astray with this purchase!

2. Soft Veggie Pasta Salad

Mix well-cooked pasta with finely diced, soft-cooked vegetables and a touch of olive oil. You can add small pieces of cheese for an additional protein boost. Small shapes like orzo or ditalini work great for toddlers to chew and swallow.

3. Soft Pita Pizzas

Spread marina sauce on soft pita bread. You can add cut up sausage or any finely diced vegetables such as bell peppers or onions as additional toppings. Top with shredded cheese. Bake in oven until the cheese melts. I like to serve these sliced in thin strips to help small fingers get a good grip.

4. Egg Muffins

Whisk eggs with finely chopped, soft-cooked veggies and cheese. Pour into muffin tins and bake until fully set. You can add different protein options such as diced ham or breakfast sausage. These egg muffins can be frozen and reheated later for a quick lunch or breakfast option. To minimize mess, use favorite our holy grail silicon muffin pan that has over 22,000 5-star reviews that makes preparing this dish easy and scrub-free.

5. Chicken and Avocado rolls

Mash avocado and spread onto a soft tortilla, add finely shredded cooked chicken, and roll tightly. Cut into small pieces. This is a nutrient-packed lunch that is very easy and fast to prepare.

6. Greek Yogurt with Berries

Greek yogurt is rich in protein and calcium, essential for your toddler's growth. Top plain full fat Greek yogurt with a handful of fresh berries like blueberries or strawberries. This simple dish is great for lunch but of course would also make a wonderful breakfast. I would recommend cutting blueberries in half and grapes in quarters for your toddler to avoid choking hazards.

7. Quinoa Salad

Quinoa is a superfood that's perfect for toddlers. Cook quinoa according to package instructions and mix with finely chopped vegetables like cucumber, tomatoes, and bell peppers. Add a splash of olive oil and lemon juice for a tasty, nutrient-rich meal. It’s also a great new texture to introduce to your little one if you haven’t yet given them quinoa. I purchase my favorite organic quinoa in bulk.

8. Chicken and Soft Veggie Stir-Fry

Saute finely diced chicken with a variety of cooked vegetables. I love using finely chopped bell peppers, onions, zucchini, tomatoes, and carrots for this, but the options are endless based on what you have in your fridge. You can serve with rice. For seasoning, I keep it very simple with either simply olive oil or by adding a small amount of low sodium soy sauce to expose toddlers to new flavors.

9. Turkey Meatloaf

Mix ground turkey with finely chopped, soft-cooked veggies and breadcrumbs. Bake in oven until fully cooked. Then cut into small, bite-sized pieces. This meal packs a protein punch and can accommodate a variety of different vegetables.

10. Soft Sweet Potato Bites

Soft sweet potato bites are a healthy and naturally sweet option. Cut sweet potatoes into small sticks or rounds, toss with a bit of olive oil, and bake until very soft. These bites are a great source of vitamins and minerals. Ensure sweet potatoes are baked until they are soft enough to mash easily with gums or teeth. Season lightly with cinnamon for added flavor.

11. Cheesy Broccoli Rice Balls

Cheesy broccoli rice balls are a toddler-friendly way to serve vegetables. Combine well-cooked rice with finely chopped, soft-cooked broccoli and shredded cheese. Form into small balls and bake until firm. These rice balls are soft and easy for toddlers to pick up and eat.

12. Tuna Salad on Soft Bell PEpper Boats

Tuna salad on soft bell pepper boats is a light and tasty option. Mix canned tuna with Greek yogurt and finely chopped celery. Spread the mixture on thin, soft-cooked bell peppers. This combination is refreshing and provides a good mix of protein and veggies. Opt for soft-cooked bell peppers that are soft and easy to chew. Avoid using raw bell peppers, which might be too hard.

13. Soft Veggie Tots

Soft veggie tots are a great alternative to regular tater tots. Blend well-cooked, soft vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, or sweet potato with cheese and breadcrumbs. Form into small tots and bake until golden. These tots are soft and flavorful, perfect for little ones hands, and full of nutrition.

14. Banana or Blueberry Pancakes

Who says pancakes can’t be for lunch?! Pancakes are naturally sweet and soft, making them perfect for little hands and mouths. My go-to pancake mix is Kodiak Cakes Power Cakes flapjack & waffle mix. This is packed with protein and fiber for some extra nutrition. I love blending bananas or berries into this for some extra nutrients and sweetness. No pancake mix on hand? No problem. Whip up easy 3-ingredient pancakes using a banana, eggs, and some flour. This is another one meal when I use my electric griddle to make a nice big batch. These pancakes freeze well also.

15. Turkey Meatballs

If you’re looking for a great finger food packed with protein, turkey meatballs can be a great option. Mix ground turkey with finely chopped onions, breadcrumbs, and an egg. Roll into small balls and bake in the oven. These can be served with a side of steamed veggies or whole grain pasta. Be sure to cut them into small pieces before serving to your toddler.

16. Creamy Avocado Pasta

Creamy avocado pasta is a creamy and nutritious dish. Mash a ripe avocado and mix with a bit of olive oil and lemon juice. Toss with well-cooked small pasta shapes like orzo or macaroni, or another pasta shape that are small and easy to chew. Add finely chopped, soft-cooked vegetables for extra nutrients.

17. Soft Sweet Potato and Lentil Patties

Sweet potato and lentil patties are nutrient-dense and easy to eat. Mash cooked sweet potatoes with cooked lentils, add a bit of breadcrumbs, and form into small patties. Bake until soft and lightly browned. Alternatively, you could pan fry them in a bit of olive oil.

18. Soft Veggie Mac and Cheese

Veggie mac and cheese combines comfort food with healthy veggies. Cook small pasta shapes and mix with a cheese sauce made from shredded cheese and a bit of milk. Stir in finely chopped, soft-cooked broccoli or cauliflower. Avoid large, chewy pieces of vegetables by ensuring that your veggies are very well cooked. I’ve even thrown in cooked ground beef or turkey for some added protein to make this a more complete meal.

19. Cottage Cheese and Fruit Bowl

A cottage cheese and fruit bowl is a quick and healthy lunch. Serve a small bowl of soft cottage cheese (I always use full fat cottage cheese) with bite-sized pieces of ripe fruit like quartered grapes, bananas, halved blueberries, or peach slices. This is a complete meal with protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

20. Soft Veggie and Cheese Roll Ups

Soft veggie and cheese roll-ups are a versatile lunch option. Use a whole wheat tortilla, spread a thin layer of cream cheese or hummus, and add finely shredded, soft-cooked vegetables like spinach, bell peppers, and carrots. Roll tightly and slice into small pinwheels. Ensure vegetables are cooked until tender and cut small. I like to secure my roll-ups with a dab of cream cheese to prevent unraveling.

Final Thoughts On Toddler LUnch Ideas

Feeding your toddler healthy lunches doesn’t have to be daunting. With these 25 ideas, you can keep things fresh and exciting while ensuring your little one gets the nutrients they need. Always remember to cut food into small, manageable pieces and cook until soft to minimize choking hazards.

Tips for Success

  1. Get Creative: Mix and match ingredients to create new flavors.

  2. Stay Flexible: Adapt recipes based on what your toddler enjoys.

  3. Keep It Safe: Always ensure food is soft and cut into small pieces.

  4. Make Ahead: Prep what you can ahead of time to make lunch preparation easier. I like to prep ingredients, rather than full meals personally (ex: have cooked shredded chicken breast in your fridge that you can use for a variety of meals throughout the week).

Enjoy these ideas, and happy feeding!

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