The Ideal 14 Month Old Sleep Schedule
In this article, I’ll share a sample 14 month old nap schedule, tips for implementing the nap schedule with your toddler, and common issues tied to developmental milestones that may impact your little one’s sleep at 14 months old. As a pediatric sleep consultant and also a mom of four great sleepers, I’ll share what has worked great for me personally as a mom and also the schedule and tips I use with my clients. Also, if you’re anything like me, you might have a hard time your 14 month old a toddler and still think of them as your baby—but as you’ll quickly learn, parenting changes a lot now that your toddler has strong opinions and wants to constantly explore their world.
14 Month Old Sleep Schedule
toddler development at 14 months old
It’s helpful to understand some of the key developmental milestones that your little one is going through at 14 months old before we jump right into sleep schedules (but I promise, we’ll soon get there!). As you undoubtedly learned by now in your parenting journey, developmental milestones can have an impact on sleep at different ages, and this is especially true with all that is going on with your 14 month old right now. Here are some common developmental milestones that are often seen around 14 months of age:
Your Toddler Is On The Move
Some 14 month olds are already walking, while others have yet to take their first unassisted steps; regardless of where your little one is on this spectrum, it’s safe to say that they’re on the move! Whether its crawling, cruising, climbing stairs, walking, or a combination of these, 14 month olds don’t stay still for long. It’s also very likely that by this point your little one has become a pro at pulling themselves up to standing using their crib slats, which can become a fun game for them when they’re supposed to be sleeping. As you’ve probably learned so far on your parenting journey, babies and toddlers are eager to practice their new skills, and this can impact how quickly they go to sleep once in their crib.
Communication Skills Development
At 14 months of age, your baby is very capable of letting you know just how they feel about a certain topic—including you leaving their room at bedtime. They are capable of comprehending a lot of words and gestures, so even if they cannot string words together to speak to you just yet, they can understand a lot of what you’re saying. 14 month olds often can say about 3-5 different words but understand many more than that.
Emotional Development
By now, your little one has developed emotional attachments to parents or primary caregivers and consistently shows them affection. Around this time, they may start to feel separation anxiety when they are fearful of being separated from you. This is another developmental milestone that can affect sleep if they suddenly become fearful or anxious when they’re alone in their room at nap or bedtime. This can be a great time to introduce a “lovey” to bring them comfort and security.
Typical 14 Month Old sleep needs
It’s helpful to know what you can expect for a 14 month old baby based on their age and development. While individual toddlers can be different, here is what you can likely expect.
Most 14 month olds need about 13.5-14 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period including both overnight sleep and naps.
Some 14 month olds will still have 2 naps each day, while some will have dropped down to 1 nap each day. The total daily nap time is usually around 3 hours, so if your little one still has 2 naps, they are likely 1 to 2 hours in length each. A toddler with a single nap is probably taking a longer nap that may be up to three hours in length.
14 month old sleep schedule
Here is what a typical daily sleep schedule might look like for a 14 month old. Keep in mind that the schedule can vary depending on your individual family’s preferences and other committments. You can adjust the morning wake up time and bed time based on the needs of other family members or work schedules to find a schedule that works for everyone—more on that right below the schedule.
Two Nap Schedule Example:
7:00am - morning wake up
10:30am - nap #1 - morning nap (1.5 hrs)
3:00pm - nap #2 - afternoon nap (~1 hr)
7:30pm - bed time
One Nap Schedule Example:
7:00am - morning wake up
11:00am - nap (2.5-3 hours)
7:30pm - bed time
How to implement your 14 month old sleep schedule
One of the first things you should do is customize this sleep schedule for your toddler by deciding what time you want to start your little one’s day with the morning wake up time. You can then build the rest of the schedule from there. Different families’ schedules might look very different based on work schedules, other sibilings’ schedules, or other preferences.
Especially if you are on a two-nap schedule, you should be sure that your toddler’s second nap of the day isn’t too close to bedtime as this could lead to difficulty falling asleep at your desired bedtime. I would recommend a minimum of 4 hours between the end of the second nap and bedtime, even if that means you have to wake your 14 month old up from their second nap.
As you’re navigating the transition from two naps to one at some point around this time, it’s helpful to make sure you’re watching for tired cues to help you meet your toddler’s sleep needs. Rubbing their eyes, vacant stares, increasing fussiness or crying can all indicate that your toddler is in need of a nap or bedtime—regardless of what the clock says. Keep aiming to ensure the total sleep needs in a 24 hour period are met, even if the number of naps change over time.
Given the potential uptick in separation anxiety tied to emotional development around 14 months, this is a great time to introduce a bedtime routine if you haven’t already. A consistent bedtime routine can become a positive sleep association that calms your little one down and prepares them for a good night of sleep. They will benefit from the consistency and familiarity.
Sweet dreams to you and your 14 month old!