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11 Self Care Ideas For New Moms

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As a new mom, your days (and nights) revolve around taking care of your precious little one. Amidst the feeding, diaper changes, and sleepless nights, it's easy to forget about someone very important: you. Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally is crucial not only for your well-being but also for your ability to care for your baby. As a mom of 4 (with #5 on the way!), I know personally how challenging it can be to take care of yourself while caring for a young baby—and also how incredibly important it is. Here are 11 self-care ideas to help you feel your best during this beautiful yet demanding phase of life.

In this article, I’ll share 11 self care ideas for new moms.

SElf Care IDeas For New Moms

Self Care Ideas For Moms

  1. Start A GRATITUDE Journal

    Starting a daily gratitude practice can be as simple as writing 3 things you’re grateful for each evening before you go to bed. When you begin practicing gratitude, you start to notice more things in your life to be thankful for, and the positivity feeds on itself. I started doing this several years ago, and looking back in time over all of the amazing blessings in my life has been incredibly fulfilling. This can double as a journal or diary during this special postpartum time when your baby is so small and precious. You can use a simple notebook; otherwise, here is my favorite gratitude journal from Amazon that I’ve personally been using for years (and keep re-buying as I fill it up!).

2. Nourish Your Body With Healthy Foods

Finding the time and desire to cook with a young baby can be challenging, but eating nutritious meals is important for your energy and health. This is especially true if you are breastfeeding. If cooking meals feels out of reach for you right now, stock up on easy-to-grab snacks like nuts, fruit, and yogurt. This is also a time when I don’t feel guilty for splurging a bit on ready-made healthy meals at the grocery story. Some of my favorites I can find at Costco—their chicken salad, quinoa salad, and stuffed red peppers are some of my personal favorites. You can also consider meal prepping or accepting help from loved ones.

3. Gentle Exercise For PHysical and Mental Well-Being

Exercise might be one of the furthest things from your mind, but it can also be one of the most helpful. Putting baby in the stroller and going for a walk outside can do wonders for your mental and physical well-being. Other gentle activities such as yoga and stretching can also be great. There are plenty of exercise recommendations specifically for postpartum women that you can find online (here’s my personal favorite—use code ANNIE20 for a 20% discount). You can start with short sessions and gradually increase as you feel comfortable.

4. Practice Meditation

Taking a few moments each day to practice meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety and. Even simple deep breathing for a few minutes can make a world of difference! If you’re looking for a completely free 5-minute mindfulness meditation specific for new moms, here is my favorite. I’ve also used apps such as Calm and Headspace, which offer guided meditations. If you like to use a candle during meditation to put you in the mood and help you focus, here is our favorite “in my mom era” scented soy candle.

5. Pamper Yourself With Spa Products

Feeling pampered by my favorite lotions and spa products is my love language, and so it’s one of my top self-care strategies for when I’m in the postpartum period. On my list is always a great body butter. This one is my favorite because it’s specifically made for postpartum women to help with stretch marks, and it doesn’t contain strong fragrance or dyes that would impact baby’s sensitive skin. You can use code Annie15 for 15% off your order.

Another favorite is this scalp regrowth serum made specifically for postpartum women to prevent postpartum hair shedding and to help hair grow stronger and faster. Sometimes, self-care means pampering yourself with products that make you feel beautiful and confident, and this one does the trick for me! Here is my highly recommended scalp regrowth serum recommendation. Use code Annie15 for 15% off your order .

6. Get A Massage

Although this can break the bank if done too frequently, a massage can be a perfect way to get some much needed self-care as a new mom. Find a partner or loved one to watch your baby while you spend an hour or two having all of your discomfort and tight muscles from caring for baby washed away.

7. Seek Professional Help If needed

Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you are feeling sad, anxious, overwhelmed, or depressed. It is very common to have these feelings, and there are plenty of resources available to help you feel better. Speaking with a professional can help you navigate these feelings to ensure you’re getting the support you need.

8. Stay Connected WIth Friends and Family

Like many new moms, I’ve been guilty of “hibernating” with my newborns and not being the best about staying connected with friends and family. After the initial sharing of the great news and a birth photo or two, I typically hunker down into a steady rotation of sleepless nights, endless feedings, and diaper changes with little deliberate time spent connecting with loved ones. It can be very isolating, especially in those early days. Usually my husband is the one to remind me to stay connected to my support system—it’s amazing how much difference a quick phone call or video chat can make!

9. Spend Time Outside

Whether this is getting out for a daily walk or simply sitting out on your porch or deck for a few minutes each day, getting outside can do wonders for your mental and emotional well-being—especially as a new mom. Even when I’ve had my winter babies and have to bundle us up in order to go outside, simply being out of doors is incredibly beneficial. There’s something about being outside that reminds us that a great big world exists beyond the constant feedings, diaper changes, and baby laundry.

10. Prioritize Your Sleep

Sleep deprivation is a common reality for new moms. While getting a full night's sleep may be out of reach for a bit, there is some truth to the advice you’ve surely heard before—sleep when the baby sleeps. Even short naps can make a big difference in your energy levels and mood. Don't hesitate to ask for help from your partner, family, or friends so you can catch some much-needed Z's.

As we know, mom gets to sleep more as baby sleeps better and for longer stretches overnight. If you are really struggling with your baby’s sleep, there are gentle, no cry methods you can start today that can help your baby sleep better. Here is my guide on exactly how to improve your baby’s sleep.

11. Practice Self-Compassion

Above all, be kind to yourself. Motherhood is a learning process—I still learn new things every single day as a mom of 4. Celebrate your wins, even the small ones. And don’t be too hard on yourself for mistakes or perceived shortcomings, because they are all a part of this beautiful and crazy journey. Your love for your baby is what matters most, even when it feels like nothing else is going right. You’ve got this!

Final Thoughts

Incorporating self-care into your routine as a new mom might seem like a daunting task, but even small steps can have a significant impact on your well-being. Remember, taking care of yourself is not a luxury but a necessity. By prioritizing your physical, mental, and emotional health, you’re not only nurturing yourself but also becoming the best mom you can be for your little one.

Embrace these self-care practices and enjoy this precious time with your baby. You deserve it! And remember, we’re here at Mom’’s First Steps to support you every step of the way.

Stay strong and take care.

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