How To Clean Your Spectra Pump Parts

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In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about how to clean your Spectra breast pump parts. Keeping your breast milk and pump parts clean and sanitary for your little one is incredibly important. As a 7+ year user of Spectra breast pumps for all four of my kids, I’ve got loads of personal experience to share and have cleaned the pump parts literally thousands of times. If you’re looking for guidance on which parts come in the box, how to assemble your Spectra breast pump parts, what the different parts are called, and recommended replacement frequency, be sure to check out our full article on Spectra pump parts here.

Spectra pump parts in use

cleaning spectra pump parts for initial use

Before your very first time using your Spectra pump parts, I would highly recommend you follow the cleaning guidelines directly from the Spectra website and user manual and fully sanitize your pump parts. This includes the following steps:

  • Wash you hands thoroughly with warm soap and water

  • Heat water in a large pot until boiling (pot should be large enough to fully submerge all pump parts)

  • Boil pump parts for 5 minutes

  • Remove all parts with a tongs and place on clean towel or paper towel

  • Allow parts to fully air dry before use or before placing in clean storage container

Spectra Pump Parts

Spectra pump parts

Daily Recommended cleaning of pump parts

Spectra recommends the following guidance for daily cleaning of your pump parts.

  • Wash all parts that come into contact with breast milk (everything except tubing) daily between uses

  • To wash, dissemble all parts and wash with warm soapy water in a clean bin

  • Use a bottle brush to clean smaller crevices (do not use a brush that is used on other dirty dishes/non-infant items)

  • Rinse all parts with running water

  • Place all washed parts on clean towel or paper towel and allow to air dry before next use

  • Do not place pump parts directly into a sink to avoid bacterial contamination (sinks can be a breeding ground for all sorts of gross things you don’t want anywhere near your breast milk!)

real life perspective on cleaning spectra pump parts

While I would never recommend to anyone to go against the manufacturer’s specifications, I will share a few tips that have worked for me personally over the years as I know many are interested in a real-life perspective from a mom with experience.

  • I found that Spectra pump parts do not have to be 100% dry in order to work, unlike some other breast pumps I’ve used. So while it may be best to allow parts to air dry between uses, I’ve not had issues with my pump working if, for example, I pulled them straight from the dishwasher (clean) and they weren’t quite fully dry yet. That said, it’s incredibly important not to store pump parts with any moisture as that can lead to mold and ultimately contamination of your breast milk.

  • While Spectra’s website recommends against refrigerating pump parts between uses and instead recommends using a new, clean set of pump parts, I always refrigerate my parts between pumping sessions and then wash in the dishwasher at the end of the day. I’ve not had issues with this approach (again, I’m not necessarily recommending you do this, but I’m sharing my own experience).

  • Instead of sanitizing via boiling water, I always sanitize my Spectra pump parts in the dishwasher because it saves time and is more convenient. Even with daily dishwasher use, I’ve never experienced any warping, discoloration, or other ill-effects, and my parts have lasted a very long time. The Spectra website says boiling water, dishwasher, or microwave bag sanitization are all great methods; dishwasher has been my preferred method due to convenience.

  • I’ve not found a great way to wash the inside of the tubing. When I noticed it becoming cloudy, I always followed Spectra’s recommendation and replaced it.

  • Disinfectant wipes work great for wiping off the Spectra pump itself.

replacing your spectra breast pump parts

Eventually, your Spectra breast pump parts might need replacement, or your may want to purchase extras to have on hand. You can easily order Spectra replacement pump parts online from Amazon or from the Spectra website directly. Here are the most commonly replaced Spectra pump parts:

Figuring out how to clean and manage your pump parts can seem daunting at first. Rest assured, pretty soon you will find a system that works for you that will become part of your daily routine. The constant washing of pump parts is definitely a labor of love for your precious little one!

One other caveat—the guidelines from Spectra as well as my own personal experiences that I’ve shared are for healthy, full-term babies. If your baby has a weakened immune system or was born prematurely, or if they need further precautions related to breast pump part sanitization, be sure to follow the specific guidance of your healthcare provider.

If you’re looking to learn all about Spectra pump settings including which settings to use to optimize milk production and comfort while pumping, be sure to check out our comprehensive guide to Spectra pump settings here.


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