6 Month Old Sleep Schedule
In this article, I’ll share a sample 6 month old sleep schedule, tips for implementing the sleep schedule, and a few developmental milestones that may be impacting your baby’s sleep at 6 months old. At 6 months old, your baby is growing and developing every single day, bringing exciting new milestones and experiences at every turn.
As a certified pediatric sleep consultant and also a mom of 4 (with #5 on the way), I’ll share what has worked great for me personally and also share the schedule and tips I use with my clients.
6 Month Old Sleep Schedule
6 Month Old Sleep Schedule
Typical Baby Sleep Needs And Wake Windows At 6 Months Old
It’s very helpful to know what you can likely expect for a 6 month old baby based on their age and development. Of course, every individual baby is different. These guidelines are a good starting point for most babies.
Most 6 month olds need between 14 and 15 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. This includes both naps and overnight sleep.
Most 6 month old babies have a maximum awake time (also sometimes referred to as a “wake window” of about 2 to 3 hours. This means that a 6 month old baby likely cannot stay awake longer than 3 hours at a time without becoming overtired and fussy. The maximum awake time is measured for the end of one period of sleep to the start of the next (ex: end of the 1st nap to beginning of the 2nd nap). You may notice that your baby’s wake windows are a little shorter in the morning and a bit longer later in the day.
Most 6 month old babies have 3 naps per day, and you may see them transitioning down to 2 naps a day as they get closer to 7 months old. The total amount of daily nap time is likely between 3 and 4 hours, with the remaining sleep occurring overnight. Each nap should be no longer than 2 hours.
6 Month Old Sample Sleep Schedule
Here is what a typical daily sleep schedule may look like for a 6 month old baby including both naps and overnight sleep. The schedule can be adjusted based on your family’s schedule—as an example, you may have a preferred morning wake time that is different from the example below. Know that this sample schedule is adjustable, and be sure to look at the tips below to help you and your baby have a great sleep experience at 6 months old.
I’ve included both a 3-nap schedule and a 2-nap schedule below. You will notice that the wake windows will lengthen out quite a bit once your baby drops down to 2 naps, each nap may be a bit longer in length, and you may need to move bedtime forward a bit to help ensure they don’t get fussy and overtired.
Sample 3 Nap Schedule
7:00am - morning wake up
9:30am - nap #1
12:30pm - nap #2
4:00pm - nap #3
7:30pm - bedtime
Sample 2 Nap Schedule
7:00am - morning wake up
10:00am - nap #1
2:00 pm - nap #2
7:00pm - bedtime
It’s important to remember that schedules can vary, especially as your baby transitions from 3 naps down to 2 naps per day. Remember to focus not just on the clock but also on cues for sleepiness and hunger, wake windows, and your baby’s nap lengths for that specific day so that you can adjust the schedule as needed.
How To Implement Your 6 Month Old Sleep Schedule
To customize this schedule for your baby and your family, I remember you first decide what time you want to start your baby’s day. This is often dictated by work schedules, siblings’ school schedules, or other preferences. You can then build the rest of the schedule based on the preferred morning wake time.
The timing of the final nap of the day is very important. You want to be sure that the wake window between the end of the last nap and your target bedtime is at least 2 - 3 hours, even if it means waking your baby up from their last nap. This will ensure they have enough sleep pressure to go to bed on time and stay asleep.
If you haven’t done so already, 6 months old is a great time to implement a bedtime routine. By this age, babies are able to recognize patterns and will benefit from the familiarity and consistency of a routine. It can help promote falling asleep easier and better quality sleep by being a strong sleep association.
As always with life (and sleep!) with a baby, not every day will look the same. It’s important to follow the guidelines in this article about total sleep needs, wake windows, and your daily schedule, but ultimately you will also need to watch for cues for tiredness and hunger so that you can adjust the schedule based on your baby’s unique needs that day. A flexible mindset and approach to baby sleep is very important.
Baby Development at 6 Months Old
It’s helpful to understand a few of the key developmental milestones that your baby is going through at this age—particularly because some of them can impact sleep. Here are some milestones you may see in your baby around 6 months old:
Baby Is Learning To Sit Upright: whether they’re sitting up with support, sitting independently using their arms as support, or sitting completely independently, chances are your baby is making progress with their sitting skills. This opens up a whole new world and perspective for them!
Social and Verbal Development: many 6 month old babies have been cooing and babbling for awhile now and may start expanding their verbal skills into new sounds. These might include sounds like “baba”, “dada”, and “mama”, among others. They may also start giggling around this age, which is one of my personal favorite milestones!
What If We’re REally Struggling With Sleep And Need More Help?
Formal sleep training becomes an option for babies aged 5 months and older. If you are concerned that your baby is struggling with sleep and isn’t sleeping through the night, it might be something you want to look into.
I work to support families one-on-one with a customized sleep plan and tools that align with your individual values, preferences, lifestyles, and schedule. With customized support including multiple coaching calls with me and a plan created just for you, your baby will be getting 10+ hours of overnight sleep within a few weeks. You will have a personalized daytime routine that fits your schedule and lifestyle, specific age-appropriate guidance and strategies to help your baby sleep better, and tips for navigating future disruptions to sleep should they occur as your baby gets older.
Click here to learn more and see if this is a fit for you and your family.
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