The Ideal 13 Month Old Nap Schedule
This article is all about naps and sleep for a 13 month old. I will share a sample 13 month old nap schedule, common issues faced with sleep at 13 months old, and tips for implementing the nap schedule with your toddler. As a mom of four great sleepers and a pediatric sleep consultant, I’ll also share what has worked great for me personally as a mom and with my clients. As you may have already discovered, parenting a toddler is very different from parenting a baby (even if you still think of your 13 month old as your baby—I certainly do!).
13 month old sleep schedule
13 month old nap schedule
As we dive deeper into an example nap schedule for a 13 month old, it’s helpful to first understand what you can expect for sleep based on their age and development. Of course, individual toddlers can be different, but here is what you can likely expect.
Typical 13 month old sleep needs
Most 13 month olds need about 13.5 - 14 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period, which includes both naps and overnight sleep.
Many 13 month olds will still have two naps each day, however, your little one may not be far off from dropping down to one nap per day. The total daily nap time for a 13 month old is 3 hours.
Some 13 month olds can tolerate only about 3-4 hours of wake time (time between the end of their last sleep and the start of their next) before becoming fussy and overtired. These toddlers should probably be on a two nap schedule (more on this below).
Other 13 months old are able to tolerate longer wake times, from 4.5 - 6 hours. They may be ready to transition to a one nap schedule.
13 month old sleep schedule
Below is what a typical daily sleep schedule might look like for a 13 month old. Keep in mind that the schedule can vary depending on your family’s individual preferences and other time commitments. The morning wake up time and bed time can be adjusted based on the needs of your other family members or work schedules to find a time that works for everyone. We’ll dive more into how to customize this schedule below.
Also, at 13 months old, your baby may have two naps still or may have dropped down to one nap per day. We’ll share a sample schedule for both.
One Nap Schedule Example For A 13 Month Old:
7:00am - morning wake up
11:00am - nap (2.5-3 hours)
7:30pm - bed time
Two Nap Schedule Example For A 13 Month Old:
7:00am - morning wake up
10:30am - nap #1 - morning nap (1.5 hrs)
3:00pm - nap #2 - afternoon nap (~1 hr)
7:30pm - bed time
Implementing your 13 month old sleep schedule
A great first step is to decide what time you want your little one to start their day by choosing their morning wake time. You can choose this based on what works best for your family’s schedule for work, other siblings’ school schedule, or your preferences. The rest of the schedule is then built from there using the example schedule that best fits your toddler (one nap or two naps), as well as the guidelines provided above about total sleep needs in a 24-hour period and maximum wake time for this age group.
You should make sure your toddler’s second nap of the day isn’t too close to bedtime as it could result in difficulty falling asleep at your desired bedtime. This is especially important to keep in mind if you are on a two-nap schedule. I would recommend having a minimum of 4 hours between the end of the second nap and bedtime. This might mean you need to wake your toddler up from their last nap; that is totally fine and will help ensure their bedtime stays consistent.
Somewhere around this age, your baby will transition from two naps to one nap. It’s especially important to watch for signs of tiredness in your baby to make sure you’re meeting the sleep needs with minimal fussiness and avoiding the dreaded toddler tantrums that can arise from being overtired. Cues that your baby is tired include rubbing their eyes, non-focused stares, increased fussiness, and crying. These signs may all indicate your toddler is in need of a nap or early bedtime—even if the clock doesn’t match their usual schedule. Ensuring their total sleep needs of 13.5-14 hours in a 24 hour period are met, even as the number of naps change, will help you with this transition.
Around this age, separation anxiety can start to kick in. If you haven’t yet introduced a bedtime routine, this is a great time to do it. A consistent bedtime routine, even a simple one, can calm your little one down and prepare them for a good night of sleep. It becomes a powerful cue that it’s bedtime and becomes a positive sleep association. They will thrive on the consistency and familiarity of the routine.
Development at 13 months old that can impact sleep
As you’re working on your 13 month old sleep schedule, it’s helpful to understand some of the developmental milestones your little one is going through. It’s especially important because these milestones all can impact sleep! Understanding what is going on physically, mentally, and emotionally can help you meet their needs and remain flexible during the ever-constant change as they grow and develop.
Communication Skills Development
By 13 months, your little one may begin very vocally letting you know how they feel about certain things—including about you leaving their room at bedtime! Even if they cannot yet speak many words, they can comprehend many words and gestures. Learning new ways to communicate with your little one is part of the fun of early toddlerhood.
On The Move!
Whether or not your 13 month old has attempted to take their first steps or if they’re already running in circles around you, it’s safe to say that they’re on the move. Crawling, cruising, climbing stairs, walking, and a combination of these keeps your little one busy and active these days. They likely don’t stay still for long. At this point, your little one is probably an expert at pulling themselves up to stand in their crib using the rails. This can become a fun game when they’re supposed to be falling asleep, especially as they’re learning this new skill. Always be sure your crib is safe for your increasingly moving toddler, and know that some of the novelty of practicing this new trick will wear off soon.
The Beginnings Of Separation Anxiety
Your little one has already developed an attachment to you as a parent and any other primary caregivers who consistently care for them. They may, around 13 months, also start to develop separation anxiety when they become fearful of being separated from you. If your toddler suddenly becomes fearful or anxious when they’re alone in their room for a nap or bedtime, this milestone can definitely impact their sleep. This can be a good time to introduce a “lovey” to help them feel comfortable and secure. A bedtime routine can also help prepare your little one for sleep as the consistency and familiarity will calm and comfort them.
With the sample schedule and tips for implementing it provided in this article, you’re ready to master your 13 month old sleep schedule.
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Sweet dreams to you and your 13 month old!